I just finished registering Carter for T-Ball. I am so excited that they now offer online registration! How easy is THAT?! My little man will look so darn cute in his baseball outfit - because that's what matters - how cute he looks in his hat and glove.
Before I get the kids from school I'll be heading to Farm Bureau to register Madison for softball. She will bump up to pitching machine this season, and I have to admit I'm nervous about it! Tball was so much fun. It was low pressure, most of the parents were not overly competitive, and it was really about HAVING FUN, not about winning. I've already heard numerous warnings from seasoned parents that once they start bumping up, that all changes. We'll see... I pray we get on a great team with parents that are encouraging rather than degrading.
I've realized that I really am not sure how to practise with Madison for softball this year. Should I toss the ball to her underhanded? Throw it faster overhanded? What's the best way to help them ease into such a big transition, from T-Ball to Pitching machine?
All in all I am extremely excited about this ball season. I hate that softball got bumped up into April this year. Now she'll be in dance AND starting softball at the same time. I'd rather them have to play in a bit hotter weather than have to juggle that kind of schedule. Oh well, my goal is to make it completely fun for the kids, and for Clayton and me. No stress, no matter what running it causes in the evenings!
That extreme competitiveness is why we dont do it anymore-I played softball for years and I sucked but my self esteem suffered during those years even more...LOL
My daughter, Sara, is left-handed, the only left handed kid in her T-ball group when she was little. Her babysitter's husband came home with a T-ball set one afternoon and proceeded to help the kids hit the ball. The other kids stepped up to the "T" and hit right-handed. Sara kept turniing around to bat left-handed. The husband, Ricky, would turn her around; she would turn back. After people figured out she was a southpaw, she did okay and played softball through high school. She never won awards, but she had fun.
What fun! I hope there isn't any extreme competitiveness. What happen to the years when T-ball, softball and kiddy sports was all about good sportsmanship. So sad what this world is coming too.
throw overhanded, the right way. she will learn it over time. The point of the pitching machine is to not have any arch, so try and master hard, flat pitches when she bats, too.
Just work on basic fundamentals, eye on the ball, glove turned right, line up in the box, etc. That's all she needs to focus on. Too many try to teach their kids to swing for the fence before they even know how to consistently make contact. Jordan wasn't the strongest hitter on the team, but only had one strikeout for the season because all we worked on was making contact. At Madison's age, a basehit doesn't have to be slammed into the outfield!
The boys are both signed up too! I'm excited!! I think it is easier for me to pitch under handed but fast, since that is how they do it when they get off the pitching machine. Throwing overhanded tends to make the ball come down at them instead of a straight path. Just play along with it and you'll get it! I was a pitcher, so I'm not just guessing..lol! If you ever need me to come out and help with her, I would be happy to! I am so much better at helping with girls than boys, and it's a ways off til the girls play! Good luck!!
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