Friday, November 07, 2008

Sad But True

Posted by Mandy at 7:18 AM
I try to avoid posting too much of the sad realities of dog shelter and rescue... I like to keep a positive attitude with the few dogs that we are able to save. However, a good friend and fellow dog rescuer emailed me this article and I had to at least link it. If you can ignore the poor writing quality and simply listen to the message, I think the impact will be great. Everything this person is writing is what I am seeing myself in our small town. I can only imagine how much worse the problem gets in bigger cities.

You can read the article here if you are interested.


Anonymous said...

so sad!!! i really admire what you, clayton, justin, and amanda do. i always had a dog growing up (usually from a farm or the pound) and still love dogs to this day. if the lease on my house didn't state that i couldn't have a dog, i would probably break down and get one.

Mandy on Friday, 07 November, 2008 said...

Michael - when you move and get to a place perfect for a pup.. I know JUST the gal to help you pick one out and help you train it. ;)

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