Thursday, October 29, 2009

Blog Makeover

Posted by Mandy at 4:50 PM
If you think you've stumbled to the wrong place, don't fret - this is my blog, this is Peace and Craziness.. and it is currently experiencing Craziness. I am horrible with HTML and all of that jazz - so doing a small blog makeover is quite the feat for me. So, be patient, hang in there, and try not to be annoyed if I go through 35 different headers, fonts, colors, and layouts in the next few days. I promise to try to make this as painless as possible for all of us.


The Hibbard Family on Saturday, 31 October, 2009 said...

Okay, I posted a comment, but I don't know if it actually went through, so I'll post again! Anyway, I use It merges quickly and easily into blogger, which is helpful because I like to change my blog more frequently than I really have time to with some of the more detailed customization options. You cut and paste and then format your font colors. Quick and easy. Just thought I'd share the idea!

Mandy on Saturday, 31 October, 2009 said...

Oh thank you, Ann! I haven't been to that site, yet! I found a REALLY cute template, but I cannot figure out the HTML to edit it once I get it entered into blogger.. so all of the writing they've put in certain spots - it's stuck there. lol I'm definitely going to check that out soon! Thanks again!

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