Friday, May 14, 2010

Class 2 - Complete

Posted by Mandy at 8:11 AM
Well, we survived our second class on becoming foster parents... just 7 more to go. I have to say that these are sooo long that by the time they're over, everyone in the class looks like it's taking all they have to just stay awake. (from 6pm - 9pm)

Some parts have been interesting, but so far I don't think I've learned that much that I didn't already know. I suppose that's because we've been so blessed to hear about this from several people that have gone through it before. If it weren't for the videos, that had to have been shot in the late 1980's to early 1990's, they probably wouldn't be quite so dull. Thankfully our leaders are super nice, funny, and have tons of "been-there-done-that experience."

I've learned a bit more about our fellow classmates, and as of now it seems we're pretty evenly split between those of us there for fostering and those there for just adoption. I'm excited to hear all about what children end up in what family when we're all officially open. I hope to remain close with some of the families - it seems we will all have quite a bond by the time we get through all of this.

I have to admit that I hate how this all drags on. One class a week for 9 weeks just seems like such a waste! I'd rather do 3 a week and just get them over with faster. I can't help but feel an urgency to get done with all of this and have our home open. Children are taken every single day into foster care in our area... where are they going? With only like 10 open foster homes in our county... who is taking these children? Why is there not a faster option down here if there is such an extreme need for open homes for fostering?

On another note - we finally got our official letter from the Baptist Home that we are an approved Family Friend! Hooray! Hopefully "E's" caseworker will okay her being our family friend, and she'll get to spend the first two weeks of summer vacation with us! I'm really excited to at least have this complete. It feels good after all of the work it takes to see it come to an end - which is really just the beginning!

Things are trucking right along here. We are all so excited that school is almost over (well... actually I don't think my kids are that excited. They both loved it this year!) and we're moving into a more relaxing time of the year. Summer is awesome!


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